Alle Keyshot bestanden verwijderen

Alle Keyshot bestanden verwijderen

Try to uninstall again but afterwards and ask the customer if anything is linked to a network drive, something like OneDrive.
If so, some information might be migrated over there and would need to be deleted as well.
After uninstalling, browse to the following locations and make sure that no KeyShot 10 files are shown:

On Windows:
  • C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Local\
  •  %LOCALAPPDATA%\ or %UserProfile%\
  • %UserProfile%\Documents/ 
  • C:\Users\<username>\Documents\
  • %LocalAppData%\Luxion\ 
  • C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Local\Luxion
  • C:\Program Files\
  • %ProgramFiles%
  • C:\Users\Public\Documents\
  • %Public%\Documents\
  • %AllUsersProfile%\Luxion\
  • C:\ProgramData\Luxion\
On Mac:
  • /Applications/ 
  • /Library/Application Support/ 
  • /Users/<Username>/Library/Application Support/Luxion/ 
  • ~/Library/Application Support/Luxion/ 

If all the above fails and the user is on a Windows computer, to get a more detailed analysis, please download and run the Windows Process Monitor on your computer. You can download the Process Monitor from

Please send us the Process Monitor's log as well as the date and time when the test was performed. This will allow monitoring all system activity.

  • Start the Process Monitor
  • Start KeyShot
  • Attempt to recreate the issue
    • Please make a note of the date and time that you conducted this test. 
  • Once the process is complete and/or the error is triggered, click the magnifying glass icon on the Process Monitor to freeze the recording.
  • In the Process monitor go to _File->Save_ and save the file
  • Make sure that "All Events" is selected to make sure we receive all events.
  • Save the process monitor results in a zip file and send it to us through our WeTransfer link here.
Please make sure to include the following in the message field for your upload: